Saturday, December 5, 2009

Season for Wishful Thinking and Giving Thanks

In this holiday season, I am making wishes and giving thanks...

As I - not so patiently - wait for notification to see if I get accepted into MICA's (Maryland Institute College of Art) graduate program, I am combining all my wishes for one positive acceptance letter.

On the other less-selfish end, I am very THANKFUL for quite a few artists, who have inspired me on many different levels. In no particular order, I am giving thanks and showing appreciation to the following artists and their work:

Jean-Michel Basquiat, Cy Twombly, Joan Mitchell, Mark Rothko, Robert Rauschenberg, Franz Kline, Willem de Kooning, Grace Hartigan, Francesco Clemente, Christopher Yee, Mark Bradford, David Kramer, Jessica Kreutter, Marcel Dzama, and countless others.


  1. I think you are very patiently waiting. Nice thankful post.

  2. I think one name amongst your very respectable list doesn't quite have the credentials as of yet! Thanks though... and congrats again, for getting into the MICA program!
